Our Services
We offer consultancy services to our clients in the areas of wealth protection, wealth accumulation and wealth distribution planning. What matters most to clients is the information to make great financial decision and we take pride in giving them the baseline standards to help them do that.
Clients would always want to know whether they are making a decision paying at a premium for a no-frills financial product. In other words, people would prefer paying extra for a premium product and paying just enough for a no-frills product. After all, who wouldn’t to save their hard-earned money if given the option? And we love helping clients save more money because a ringgit saved is better than a ringgit earned.
That is what keeps us going – the satisfaction of helping another person prudently increase in wealth and in doing so, we are helping them achieve their financial dreams. With our motto “Your dreams, our passion” as a guiding principle, we set ourselves apart as financial lighthouses.
We give light to guide and to warn you with much hope and prayer that you will get to your (financial) destination safely.

Wealth protection is the first stage which refers to insurance planning. We hold the view that insurance is a ‘Plan B’ or ’Back-up Plan’ where in the event of unfortunate circumstance like death or major illnesses, we still want our dreams to have the financial capacity to be achieved. Hence, you should only focus adequate resources on the possibility of an early death or crippling sickness and spend more on living a life.

Next, we look at wealth accumulation by means of investment planning. Our team strongly believe in wealth accumulation through diversified assets like real estate, stock and unit trust. As the saying goes, “don’t put your all your eggs in one basket”. We primarily distribute funds of the #1 Unit Trust Management Company in the country with a penchant to support you pursue other forms of sound investments.

Finally, we guide you in wealth distribution. We do not only look at distributing wealth to your next generation but also distributing wealth back to themselves in their golden years. We grow fruit trees with anticipation of enjoying the fruits for ourselves, right? Subsequently, for our children to enjoy and their children as well. It doesn’t stop there, as we help you to take it one step further by ensuring your legacy is enjoyed by the intended people. Imagine your fruit tree is fenced with a locked gate and the key is for you to give.